Frequently Asked Questions

Hours and Availability

What are your hours of operations?

I take appointments from 7:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Please call or text.

Can I just drop in?

Please phone or text first. I am a one-person dog, cat and pony show. I may be buying supplies and wouldn’t want to miss you.

What if I can’t come during your hours?

We’ll find a time that works for both of us.

Private Lessons & Workplace Training 

Do you teach metalworking?

Yes. I teach fabricating, blacksmithing, and welding to all ages from 6 onwards. I am insured to teach individual lessons and workshops for a maximum of 2 people at a time. The fee for private or semi-private classes does not include materials or consumables, which are additional costs. The cost is $120 per hour per student.

More Information Here >>

Getting Started on Your Project

How do I begin?

Call me directly at 604-910-6427 to determine if I can help you.

 For a repair, take a close-up picture with multiple angles of the damaged areas and one image of the whole object. Send these pictures as a text message to my number, 604-910-6427 or attach them to my email at

If you have a design idea and provide a sketch, mark it with the required dimensions (height, width, depth) and the materials you plan to use.

Can you give me an estimate or quote once you see the picture & measurements?

Sometimes, the object needs a repair or modification that is not apparent until I inspect it. Therefore, I can’t always quote on a project solely on what I see in the picture. It is always best to bring your project in for inspection.

How long will my project take?

It depends on the degree of restoration or repair you require and close inspection, but once I examine the item, I will be better able to estimate. Some projects are more complex than they may appear and take extra time. If that’s your case, I will tell you at the outset. For example, recently, a client wanted an heirloom mailbox restored. It had been flattened, retaining none of its shape. With only one point of access to the inside of the box, I had to fabricate offset tooling to reach the corners. The mailbox had lettering on its exterior, making it challenging to predict the impact of straightening the box on the lettering.

Can I get my project done on the spot – while I wait?

It depends on how busy I am and how complex it is. In most cases, it is not possible.

Can I watch you do the work?

That will depend on the work I am doing at the time.

What Makes Our Service Different

How are you different from other fabrication, welding and restoration shops?

  1. Our small shop caters to one-off individual projects. I like to take the time to know my clients and their needs. Understanding your project and goals and getting your input into the design, modification, or repair is as important as the end product. That’s how we get an excellent outcome.
  2. Because I like to keep clients informed at every stage of the process, you can expect me to send you photos as I go along. It’s essential that we are both happy with the result.

Do you use environmentally friendly techniques and products?

Yes, I use recycled materials whenever possible, with minimal chemicals. I rely on rubbing alcohol and acetone and use waterborne paints. For natural finishes, I use 100% pure beeswax.


What do you need to start a project?

I will provide you with a client specification sheet that will require your name, phone number, invoicing address and email address.

Is there a deposit required to start a project?

Rarely, but it depends on the project’s scope.

What is the best way to pay for your project?

I prefer e-transfer, but I know that not everyone likes or uses this method. Therefore, I also accept cash or cheques.

What is the hourly studio rate?

The studio rate is $120.00 per hour.

Do you charge for estimates?


What happens to the quote if the scope of work changes?

I will quote on the project you bring me. If we’ve discussed it thoroughly and agreed to the scope and terms, there should be no surprises. However, if unforeseen and unpreventable circumstances occur, we will discuss them and develop an updated plan that works for both of us. At times, clients expand their designs, which may mean that I must add material or time to the project. Sometimes, materials respond in ways to heat or treatment that require us to find a different solution or path. At other times, we underestimate the complexity of larger projects.